From his first contract written on a napkin, to the world stage winning multiple trophies, the crew deemed it was a necessity to dedicate this episode to Luis lionel Andres Messi (runner up, was Larry Fitzgerald........yikes).
With Nicky Q FINALLY back, the boys are ready to go this week. Office Talk gets a little steamy with Frank; Jarrid and Nick have a riveting debate on hot dogs; and Eli schmoozes his way around with Football Team facing the Giants. Fantasy talk gets spicey when Fade Kosa loses to Kosa week 1, and the entire crew is ready for Week 2 and ready to pull a dub for the team. So clock-out, sit back, and lend us your ears this week, on Lunch Beers.
Oh, and Troy may have redeemed himself with the beer of the week.
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