Let's be honest with each other. With all the sh*t going on in the world, especially in the corporate world, this is the one holiday that never get's ruined. Happy Fourth to all you cubicle slaves. We hope you enjoy your freedom and that 3 day weekend!
We have an idea. For those listening, why don't you take an early day (hush hush), shotgun that Bud Light in the name of freedom, and lend us your ears, this week on Lunch Beers.
Want a free Lunch Beers T-shirt? Have a crazy story about a cubicle warrior? An email tough guy? A parking lot pacer? Send us an email and we'll talk about it on the pod! (Don't worry, there's no HR here)
Send us an email: lunchbeerspod@gmail.com
Lunch Beers Website: https://www.lunchbeerspodcast.com/
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