Lunch Beers

We eat sh*t at work so we can eat beers at lunch. We hate our cube jobs and we’re sure you do too. Join us once a week during our corporate lunch hour where we talk about Karens in the workplace, business deals that have absolutely no reason to close, and our degenerate habits in sports betting. Don’t worry, there’s no HR here. Hosted by Frankie Zayas, Nick Quaresimo, Eli Bordonaro, Jarrid Kosa, and Ralph Lucchese in The Podcast Room

Friday Oct 22, 2021
Episode 15: Mello Yellow
Friday Oct 22, 2021
Friday Oct 22, 2021
This episode brought to you by Long John Silvers: the only lunch worth catering in the office.
Nicky Q took a sick day, so producer Ralph stepped up to the plate to discuss the more important topics of the office on his behalf. What is it, about office stalls, that make you question the way you drop a deuce? Eli talks about a backpack full of throw up, so if you're the kid that found this, we apologize ahead of time. Jarrid breaks down the MLB status for the week, and finally, Frankie talks about a day in the life of a Giants fan, filed with lots and lots of beer and sorry.
So clock out, crack that tab, and lend us your ears, this week on Lunch Beers.

Friday Oct 15, 2021
Episode 14: Pete ”Charlie Hustle” Rose
Friday Oct 15, 2021
Friday Oct 15, 2021
We think we're getting the hang of this podcast thing.
Thank you all for tuning into another episode of the Lunch Beers Podcast where HR has no business here. This episode, may be the most controversial episode yes. We discuss what NOT to do in the office (I'll give you a hint: fish), Jarrid is still locking in the beer grading scale, Frank segways into the most controversial topic in NFL this season, and Eli and Nick may or may not have fantasy football problems.
So clock out for lunch, crack open that pale ale, and lend us your ears this week, on Lunch Beers.

Friday Oct 08, 2021
Episode 13: JLo‘s Ex
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Friday Oct 08, 2021
Welcome back, to the currently trending office podcast of corporate America.............
How else could we name an episode? There's no way we could pass up the opportunity to name this after JLo's Ex-Husband right? We have a packed show this week and we hope you're ready. The big wigs of organizations getting off enforcing their own policies, Frank (the Canadian) may or may not know about Canadian Thanksgiving, Jarrid's MLB status report exceeds the one minute time frame, and Ralph has a difficult time saying 'Jonathan Taylor'.
Clock out for lunch, crack open a beer, and lend us your ears this week, on Lunch Beers.

Friday Oct 01, 2021
Episode 12: Tom Brady
Friday Oct 01, 2021
Friday Oct 01, 2021
We have one question: Who chews yogurt?......weird inquiry but we have to ask.
This episode is brought to you by HP: "where terrible technology ruins your sales funnel." After a small hiatus from the studio, the boys are back in full swing and loaded with good laughs and content. Frank and Nick, yet again, have their hearts broken by the NY Giants, Jarrid breaks down the entire MLB in one minute, and Eli's artist of the week is so catchy, that he's left speechless. So punch out that timecard, crack open that IPA, and lend us your ears this week, on Lunch Beers.

Lunch Beers
Lunch Beers Podcast uses the voices of young professionals navigating their way through the bottom of the corporate hierarchy. Join us weekly to hear about office talk, sports, music, movies, and an inside look of Frank, Jarrid, Nicky Q, Eli, and Ralph's lives. We'll see you at happy hour!
The content in this podcast is solely used for entertainment. The comments made are not intended to harm or offend anyone. If you believe you are being targeted by anyone on the podcast, please call our HR helpline at 1(800) DO-NOT-CALL, and we'll be sure to take care of any issues at hand.
Again, thank you all for listening. We hope to inspire you during your work day at the corporate dungeon.